Thursday, April 5, 2007

Maggie's First Hair Cut

Well she got her first hair cut last night and boy does she look cute . She looks like a big girl! I was dreading the day knowing it would cut her curls off and it did but oh well maybe they will come back(hoping they do)! Christina did a great job and Maggie was a trooper she sat as still as a 15 MONTH(TODAY) old does for a 1st Haircut.


Jennifer said...

Can't believe she's already 15months old!! Lovin the hair!!

Amanda said...

Maggie Nicol McGuire you CANNOT grow up okay! I LOVE you just the way you are...I don't think you could possibly get any cuter!

Love you,
Aunt Mandy

dana said...

love the haircut, it is amazing how much older they look when they get their haricut. she is too cute!