Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Display

There is a guy on the fire department that has a huge Christmas dsiplay at his house every year. We are lucky enough to know this man and have the opportunity to visit the display up close here are a few pictures from the visit. I do need to return and take a picture of the whole yard it is just amazing. The picture to follow are just a few of the things he has on display. He also has carebears, my little pony, toy story characters, spiderman and the list goes on.

Friday, December 5, 2008

I know it's early but I just can't help it

in a month my little munchkin will be 3 and I can hardly believe it.
She went from this sweet little helpless baby....
Too a crazy preshooler that finds it necessary to tell her babysitter about nasty magazines in her daddy's closet(I don't think she has ever even seen the inside of the said closet) but none the less that was the story yesterday, and tuesday the sitter called me at work and told me that she had to sit her down and have a discussion about bad words...seems she repeated son of a ***** . My daughter proceeds to tell Laura that she heard it from her grandpa. Just thought I would share or laughs for the week ...I am ready for something new today. She will probably just blow my mind again though.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Conversations with Maggie

As most of you that read our blog know, we are expecting the arrival of a sibling for Maggie in June. We are 10 ½ weeks and everything is going good. Brian and I even got the pleasure of hearing a heartbeat today… takes a load off my mind. Anyway this past Thursday we told Maggie that she is going to be a big sister and have had a few conversations with her about this in these last few days.
Anyway below is one of those conversations.
We were getting ready to leave this morning and talking about the baby that is going to be joining our family.

Maggie said we are having a girl well that is Mommy is having a girl but it isn’t coming yet and she is going to be a big sister. We aren’t going to have a boy because Daddy’s have the boys is what she has deduced from our conversations. I guess I need to point out that Aunt Dana had Hayden and he is boy. Maybe that will help her to understand that the Mommies have the babies.

If any of you are wondering where the super cute shirt came from it is from