Maggie woke up to the dining room being decorated with balloons and banners and presents. She was super excited. She got to take treats to school which consisted of little debbie brownies since you have to take packaged items. Then Brian and I picked her up early and took her to Toys R Us, where she got a balloon and her name announced over the intercom and had many happy birthdays wished to her. That was followed with a trip to Applebee's which she had been talking about for about 5 days. Then we came home opened presents she played dress-up in her new princess dresses and gave the final hugs to grandma and grandpa as they are traveling back to the not so warm Florida today. All in all I think she had a good day.
wow she looks so grown up in the picture! the decorations were probably what she will remember the most!
She does look grownup! Look at your family pic at the top of the blog. Happy Birthday Mags!!! We love you!
Oh how fast they go from a wee little 5 lbs to 4 years old in the blink of an eye. Glad you had a super duper good birthday!
P.S. I found a Zhu Zhu bed and blanket for her today at Walmart. I'll try and send it Friday.
does anyone else think Maggie is looking like Rachel?
She is such a doll! Very cute! Happy Birthday!
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